
image-carlos mate-melancholia.jpg alt=image carlos mate art project melancholia

...Thats why this artefacts have ruin and decadence scheduled inside then, because melancholy is in their ADN. They understand decay as something desirable, they are searching for it. it starts from the collapse or personal ruin to treat it as a precarious sculpture of what is on the verge to disappear. Ruin understood as a aesthetic concept, as the ideal condition

image-carlos mate-melancholia-1.jpg alt=image carlos mate art project melancholia
image-carlos mate-melancholia1.jpg alt=image carlos mate art project melancholia

Ashes to ashes. book ashes,resisns, cristal, wood and hd video



vertigo #2

vertigo #2

kafka and me in the toilet

kafka and me in the toilet

image-carlos mate-melancholia-13.jpg alt=carlos mate art melancholia
edipo 3.0 

edipo 3.0