the groundhog day
The Groundhog Day is a story tale, a journey that is continually repeated through a crack in time in an absent subject’s mind. It is a feeling of déjà vu , a landscape full of living situations where, The actors who inhabit here are different aspects of this same ausent subject spirit. In the film “the Groundhog Day”a character who is trapped in time faces continuously the repetition of a day and only him is aware of this situation... but what if all the characters were aware of this curse... If all of them where confronting it at the same time trying to break it?
Actors were confronted with an installation, a group of unfinished works so that they could acquire their definitive configuration through their actions, through the same actions repeated at the same times on consecutive days. Logically, new situations appeared, characters came to life replacing the original subject, successively modifying and altering the actions in a ritual of separation. The project is an open-door laboratory with the aim of exploring "performativity" within an exhibition: to ask ourselves how an artefact (understood as a space, installation, work or object) acquires this performativity, or in other words, if this characteristic, this raw material that is performativity, can be modulated in some way or introduced into a more complex work...